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Tishimingo County Water Departments Iuka Public Library Healthcare in Iuka Education in Iuka Iuka Public Works Iuka Fire Department Iuka City Police Department City Hall Iuka City Council

Iuka City Police Department

Tishimingo County Water Departments Iuka Public Library Healthcare in Iuka Education in Iuka Iuka Public Works Iuka Fire Department Iuka City Police Department City Hall Iuka City Council
Randy Stringer

Police Chief Randy Stringer

Mission Statement

The Mission of the Iuka Police Department is to maintain the public peace, safeguard the lives and property of its residents and to provide quality of life so these residents experience a sense of security and freedom in their daily lives and activities.

The internet has certainly made life a little easier. However with the boon of the internet has come new hazards such as increased threats of security breaches, identity theft, hackers, and internet fraud. In an effort to help Businesses fight back, stay more informed, and keep you and your customers a little safer we are passing along the following information:

118 S. Pearl St.
Iuka, MS 38852